God has faith in you because He lives in you
Have you ever asked why God trust you so much to let you go through the fire just as He trusted Abednego, Shadrach, and Meshach (Dan 3:20-28). If you know and understand why, you will know how and use both answers to your advantage.
Have you ever asked why God trust you so much to let you go through the fire just as He trusted Abednego, Shadrach, and Meshach (Dan 3:20-28). If you know and understand why, you will know how and use both answers to your advantage.
God has so much faith in you because He trusts Himself. He lives in
you; when He saw His Spirit and life in you, He relaxes knowing by His spirit
and life in you, you can do all things with no help from your flesh or
religious works.
He was outside of Abednego, Meshach, and Shadrach but He lives in you so when you go through the fire, He is not just present in the fire but He is inside of your spirit subduing, trampling over the fire and dominating it by the mouth and wisdom He gave you in your mind (Luk 10:19, 21:15). He rules and reigns over the fire from inside of you (Isa 43:2). If you see what I just described, you will go into ecstasy and shout Hallelujah.
He was outside of Abednego, Meshach, and Shadrach but He lives in you so when you go through the fire, He is not just present in the fire but He is inside of your spirit subduing, trampling over the fire and dominating it by the mouth and wisdom He gave you in your mind (Luk 10:19, 21:15). He rules and reigns over the fire from inside of you (Isa 43:2). If you see what I just described, you will go into ecstasy and shout Hallelujah.
If we give up on him, he does not give up-- for there's no way he can
be false to himself. (2Ti 2:13 MSG)