We have been waiting for you
We have been waiting for you to give us the answer
God puts you in this place and world right now as an answer
to a problem and only you can answer the question and provide the way out of "IT"
If you can hear the question, the answer is in you and the world
is waiting for you to manifest the answer
Be bold and courageous
You are not here to complain, explain, defend and blame
You are not here by accident
God planned that you are here right now, this hour
You are reading this because
You are the one we have been waiting for
8:19 For the
creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; Rom 8:20 for
the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of
the one who subjected it, in hope Rom 8:21 that the creation itself will be set free
from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the
children of God.
You are the answer not the problem
Please we need you
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